All Things Are Possible

All Things Are Possible

There’s a fair amount of open, honest, informative conversation about the foster care system. We know, or at least we believe we know, that the system works diligently to place kids into loving, accepting, and supportive homes. Foster parents enter the situation knowing the leading goal is the reunification of the child with his/her family….

Texas A&M Program

Texas A&M Program

From mid-March until early April, students in all 17 elementary schools in the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District enjoyed an in-classroom experience that likely will stick with them forever. That’s when the Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Service brought its Hatching in the Classroom program to the schools. Each facility was provided with all materials…

Healing with Horses

Healing with Horses

Did you know a horse can help one overcome social/emotional difficulties? Horses have unique character, personality, and even a sense of humor that can improve the quality of human lives. Various studies and practices have proved that horses have incredible healing power. To add value to Dentonites’ wellness, a Haslet-based equine specialist has started providing…

Nurturing Lovers of Music

Nurturing Lovers of Music

Recently, Jane Lyon arrived in a babies’ classroom where a 9-month-old was crying and could not be consoled. He was in the crib as the two classroom teachers were either changing a diaper on one child or attending to the immediate need of another. They were not being neglectful but said they had tried everything,…