Recent Articles

EMS ISD Learning Lab

Two hands-on learning labs, an amphitheater, a fossil wall, and more than 25 acres of outdoor learning space and trails will soon become the newest classroom space in EMS ISD. This is part of the new Discovery Lab Learning Center that is set to open in the spring for all EMS ISD teachers and students…

Hops and Props Beerfest

If you live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and haven’t visited Fort Worth Aviation Museum, you’re really missing something! But worry not; the museum has something exciting to offer you this month. On the 29th, Hops and Props Beerfest is happening, and the preparations are in full swing! “We have sixteen brewers lined up and…

Common Questions for Red Door Pharmacy

Some of the most common questions we receive are… “Do you accept my insurance?” The answer is almost always, “YES! We take that!” We even accept the insurance with another pharmacy’s name on it. We are actually preferred on most insurance plans. “So you take my insurance, but what will my copay be?” Every insurance…

German Ben Takes On Texas

STS Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing memorable cultural exchanges between young ambassadors from around the world and American families. Each year, families across the United States open their homes to welcome foreign exchange students. These volunteer host families help STS Foundation in their mission to foster greater mutual understanding in our world…

Nurturing Lovers of Music

Recently, Jane Lyon arrived in a babies’ classroom where a 9-month-old was crying and could not be consoled. He was in the crib as the two classroom teachers were either changing a diaper on one child or attending to the immediate need of another. They were not being neglectful but said they had tried everything,…

Texas Transplant Perspective

From Maple Syrup to Corn Bread, it’s no secret that the USA shares a warm friendship with Canada, and who doesn’t love a good Canadian amidst the diversity of personalities that make up Texas? You can’t miss them– they are the ones that wear shorts and flip flops for 12 months of the year, or…

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