5 Crazy Ways Social Media Changes Your Brain
Online social media platforms are a major part of daily life. Unfortunately, they can also bring with them some very real dangers to the mental health of their users. Below are just a handful of the very real dangers of social media usage and how overuse can impact your brain.
Fueling Mental Illness
One of the most pressing dangers of social media is its impact on the overall mental health of its users. A number of different studies have shown that those who engage in substantial social media usage find themselves dealing with worsened symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as a heightened risk of self-harm and suicidal idealization.
Overriding Safety Concerns
The overwhelming need to be connected to social platforms has also created a substantial fear of being disconnected in many users. This fear has led to individuals ignoring obvious dangers in favor of staying connected, which has led to hazards on roads and sidewalks. One only needs to take a look at drivers on their phones to see how this phenomenon has a major impact on the world at large.
Increasing Isolation
Though social platforms are meant to play a role in bringing people together, many studies have shown that they do the opposite. Heavy users of some platforms note that they feel more isolated after using their social accounts than before. This can be related to the images that users see of others participating in events while they’re alone, even though users are fully aware that the events posted are curated by their posters and may not be representative of the other party’s actual social life.
Creating Unhealthy Relationships
Finally, social platforms encourage the creation of unhealthy relationships. Users grow attached to the curated personas of others and do their best to create personas that would likewise attract others. This, unfortunately, can lead to a lack of deep communication and unrealistic expectations when dealing with others in real life. Simply put, social platforms warp relationships.
Reducing Focus
Social platform usage also plays a role in reducing the attention spans of users. Because social platforms thrive on posting constant updates, users condition themselves to constantly getting new input. In a very real way, social platform users are conditioning themselves to process data more quickly rather than more deeply.
Online media platforms can have a huge impact on the well-being of their users. If not used in moderation, they can be legitimately dangerous. It’s always best to step back and to remember that these platforms only represent a narrow window in the real world.